Thursday, February 9, 2012

Valentine’s Blogfest Day 2: First Touch

A light caress. The feather-light stroke of fingertips trailed down the bare skin of the arm. Warm breath on the back of one’s neck. Super-sigh: So many physical sensations can be a part of that magical first touch.

On a personal level, I’ve got a bizarre physical reaction when I’m physically attracted to someone, bordering on love. And, no we’re staying pg-13 on this blogfest so don’t go there! It’s an ache that happens in the palm of my hands. Can’t really explain why it happens, but along with that beating heart and fluttering in my stomach, this sensation radiates from my hands, throughout my body. Thinking back to first meeting my husband, guess what? It returns.

On the subject of first touches, here’s a glimpse from The Vampire, The Witch & The Werewolf: Chains of Silver. In the story, Nick – a vampire hunter – tries to fight his attraction for his best friend’s “little” sister, Silver.

He brought both arms around her, holding her steady. Her scent wafted up, and he thought of open fields and wildflowers. One drink, and she already acted tipsy. The head between his legs definitely wanted to take advantage of her.  But the more elevated one on his shoulders knew that playing with Silver was dangerous business. Out of respect for Preacher Sam and his best friend, who also happened to be her older foster brother, Nick needed to stay far away.
Now that she was technically legal, and definitely all woman—at least physically, that determination might get harder and harder to keep.

One touch, and that resolve changes. 

Available via Amazon, and other e-retailers.
Thanks for stopping by on day 2 of this Valentine’s Blogfest. As part of my prize, I’m giving away a daily prize of an electronic copy of one of the books from my backlist, and a Grand Prize of a $25 See’s Candy gift certificate. Oh, yes, you get your own sweets! Leave a comment with an email address so I can contact the winners.

Don’t forget to visit the other author’s on this blogfest, and come back tomorrow for more “firsts.”


  1. Hello Louisa! Great your palms radiate sensation...hmmm. Bet that goes inside one of your books *smile*
    I've read the first book in your series - looking forward to reading Chains of Silver.
    Thanks for being part of the RRR Blog Fest! It's great having you as part of it.

  2. It starts in your hands? That is so interesting! Gives me ideas for a story... But doesn't everything! Thanks for sharing. Your story sounds great.

  3. I must be the only one who didn't use books for fodder. Great post, and I agree with Dianne, your story sounds great.

  4. Yeah, Kay Dee! -- Yes, I think I have magical powers. During dreams, I can shoot light from my hands. ;-) Read your post last night! Enjoyed it.

    Dianne -- Thanks so much for stopping by, and definitely ideas for stories.

    Ginger -- My post yesterday didn't include an excerpt from a book, but after reading some others I thought it was a good idea! Although my first dates -- in the books -- are not usually that PG-13 ;-)

  5. For me, it's the hair. If a man touches my hair--to brush it away from my face or push a stray hair or even to indicate some stubborn gray areas (as my hubby likes to do)--I get a shiver and a rush and my ears get warm.

    catherinelee100 at gmail dot com

  6. Oooh, Catherine! Warm ears. Nice "touch." ;-)

  7. Hi Louisa! Achy palms - that's the first I've ever heard of that reaction. Usually I get sweaty palms. LOL. Great post! Going to follow your blog. :)


  8. Yeah, Danielle! Thanks for putting together the fun! Loved the themed ideas.

  9. Achy palms :) I get a headache. So strange.

  10. I love it when someone is brushing my hair. Deb P

  11. Catherine -- You were the official winner of day 2. I'm going to send you an email!
