Friday, November 25, 2011

Black Friday BlogHop & 5 Items to Snack On!

Top 5 Items to Bring to Snack On!

Going shopping, online or in-person? Or, staying home to avoid the crowds and doing some reading this marketing-infused Black Friday? Well, one thing that I’ve learned over the years is that it’s vital to bring snacks during those long shopping trips.

Snacks? What is this crazy writer talking about? Yes, food. When the kids or husband get grumpy, I’ve got treats to distract them, and hold off grump-fests, and they keep me in a good mood, too.

So here are my top 5 ideas for a purse stash!

1)    Granola bars – I tend to keep energy bars stashed in my car, work bag, purse, etc. It’s always a good little mini-meal.

2)    Packaged nuts – Have you seen the 100-calorie bags of almonds? Healthy & handy. Items that need to be shelled aren’t the best in stores, but if you’re doing a long drive, I like pistachios and pumpkin seeds.

3)    Mini carrots – Yes, same as above. I’m thinking healthy here. While grocery stores sell pre-packaged bags of carrots, you could stuff our own. More time, but less money.

4)    Hard candy/Lifesavers – While they are not considered “food” per say, surprisingly a piece of hard candy or a Wint-O-Green Lifesaver can stave off a meltdown.

5)    Crackers/Cookies – I’m a fan of those 100-calorie Wheat Thins, Oreos, etc. Usually, I pack them in my daughters’ lunches, but they also tuck into a purse quite nicely.

Of course, make sure to include a small bottled water, because you know … shopping is thirsty work!

What’s your tip for a quick snack while hitting the stores? Remember to respond below, and leave your email address to be entered into the contest.

Welcome to our Black Friday blog hop! See below for the huge list of prizes!

One random commenter (can be on any of the blogs) will win a Kindle Fire, along with all the prizes below! That's the easiest kind of shopping I can think of...


Cassandra Carr: copy of either of my two current releases, Talk to Me or Head Games

Kristabel Reed: back list copy of one of her stories and then on her own blog a $10 GC plus a copy of her newest release, Risque, a Regency Menage Tale

Lucy Felthouse: back list copy of any of her single-title books

Cari Quinn: back list copy of one of her books

Leigh Elwood: two back list copies of her books

Natasha Blackthorne: copies of her two Regency era novellas: Grey's Lady and Waltz of Seduction

- KT Grant: a print copy of Sweet and Sinful and an ebook copy of my next release, Xavier's Loving Arms
Amber Kallyn: e-copy of Dragos 1

- Camryn Rhys: Kindle copies of The Barn Dance and Off the Record - Foodie Erotic Romances

Lissa Matthews: two of her back list books

Misa Buckley: an e-copy of Ironhaven and To Reach the Dawn

Lacey Wolfe: a copy of Ambers Muse

Courtney Sheets: a $25 GC to Ravenous Romance and a copy of Kona Warrior - PDF

Sara Brookes: an e-copy of one of my back list books

Cynthia Arsuaga: a copy of an e-book, and on her own blog five book charm book tethers

Louisa Bacio: .pdf copy of the first book in The Vampire, The Witch & The Werewolf series, and on her own blog a $10 certificate to Ravenous Romance, and each commenter will also be entered to win a Goody Bag of New Orleans treats

Malia Mallory: one copy each of The ABC's of Erotica and Santa's Back Door Baby

- Cynthia Eden: a copy of Angel of Darkness (either print or digital)

Carrie Ann Ryan: an e-copy of The Alpha's Path

Jacquie Rogers: a Smashwords coupon for Faery Merry Christmas, plus on her own blog, a free copy of Much Ado About Marshals

So what are the rules? Simple: visit as many of the blogs as you can and leave a comment for the blog owner. For every comment, you'll get one entry into the grand-prize drawing. Be sure to leave your e-mail address with every comment so we can find you if you win! And don't forget that several blog owners are giving away prizes specific to their blog, too!

One winner will be chosen on Saturday morning using Cassandra Car  will contact that person about the Kindle Fire and then each blog owner with a prize will contact the winner themselves to arrange delivery of said prize.
Good luck and Happy Thanksgiving everybody!

And, if you have time ... my guest blogger Victoria Blisse (right below this one) is offering giveaways of her own! 


  1. Lol I've never seen anyone else carry snacks with them like I do! I ditch the purse for the old fanny pack. This is a hiking one though and it carries a water bottle n has room for my gun or lifesavers, granola bar, and apple slices ;)

  2. I've never thought about bringing a snack for Black Friday shopping. It's a great idea, though!

  3. Who has time to eat while shopping on Black Friday? Wouldn't it be hysterical to see someone whip out a sub while standing in line to pay? LOL It is a great idea though to bring a snack. I refuse to go shopping here in New York. Too many people to begin with on this Island. Thanks for such a great giveaway!!

  4. Daydrmzz -- Hey, those snacks can come in handy! lol

    Diana, thanks for stopping by.

    Taryn, I'm not going NEAR those stores. waiting for "cyber Monday."

  5. Love the tips! I usually keep a snack bar in my purse for those "I need something now" moments. :)

    Thanks for the giveaway.

    bimmergrlmd at gmail dot com

  6. My idea for shopping is to stay home and sit at the computer in your comfy pajamas with a steaming cup of hot coffee and shop online!

    Thank you for the giveaway!

    books4me67 at ymail dot com

  7. I'm not one to go out shopping on Black Friday. But I would say a water as mentioned above is important. And for me hard candy and gum. I keep those things handy at work and it helps me get through the day. Most of the time I'm lucky to get a break or lunch, being a nurse, so hard candy and gum helps keep the hunger away and keeps me going through the shift.

  8. Love granola bars, especially those with chocolate. Awesome giveaway!



  9. I don't hit the stores on Black Friday I much rather stay home, enjoy a cup of coffee and order online. lol

    Take care and thanks for the chance to win.

    info at kmnbooks dot com

  10. When I go (I didn't this year) I normally leave the kids at home with hubby and go by myself. Nine times out of ten if I am going its to get them something anyways so it beats the purpose to take them lol.

    Great contest!


  11. During any of my shopping trips I always make sure I have water with me.
    Great giveaway

  12. You know, I never thought of taking snacks with me when I shopped. It does save on money. I will have to do that the next time I go shopping.

    koonie2888 at yahoo dot com

  13. Ah, I'll just snack from my cupboards in jammies, thank you very much. :)

    Great giveaway contest.

  14. I detest shopping!! Therefore, I avoid going to the stores as much as possible. If I do have to go, however, I am in and out so fast, I don't need a snack:)

    Thanks for the awesome giveaway!!

  15. I don't do Black Friday. I don't like crowds and folks are just down right rude!

    Give me online shopping!!!

    Tracey D
    booklover0226 at gmail dot com

  16. Love the Snack tips. Thanks for the chance to win.

  17. I don't do black friday shopping.
    But I always keep snack around!
    Great giveaway.

  18. We don't do Black Friday shopping, except online deals, but we are known to stash a granola bar in our purses for other shopping trips. ;)


  19. Haha I use this same technique for myself. Whenever I get bored or have a bad day I just bring out the snacks. It works a treat ;-)

  20. Thanks for having this great blog tour giveaway!!!
    Online shopping shopping for me! After the last 2 days of cooking and cleaning, I didn't want to end up getting trampled too!!! LOL!
    I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving!!!!

  21. I am not a fan of shopping on a normal day. There's no way I would try to shop on Black Friday. People are crazy and rude. I am not trying to get trampled or pepper-sprayed for a $200 flat screen TV. LOL!

    lovetoreadforfun at gmail dot com

  22. Marq -- My brother-in-law called hubby at 7 a.m. this morning. He had the "last" TV at Kmart in his cart, and it was $200. Wanted to know if it was a good deal ... laughing because that's the exact example you used!

    Again, mostly online shopping for me ... but if my daughters *really* wanted something and I could only get it by standing in line, I would probably be there. Fortunately, one of their birthdays is in November, and they haven't made the Christmas list yet.

  23. I am all about eating and shopping! I love black Friday shopping, but I avoid Walmart, Best Buy, and Toys R Us.
    Thanks for the Blog Hop giveaways!
    chessa79 (at) gmail (dot) com.

  24. Great post! I shopped online and ate leftover Thanksgiving dinner. I guess you could say that I made the best of both holiday tasks. LOL! Hope your holidays are spectacular.
    robinbadillo720 (at) yahoo (dot) com

  25. I also bring snacks with me, more the last couple of years because we waited around for a couple of hours before we could shop, but this year, the stores are opening earlier so not so much waiting...I do always take a bottle of water, gotta keep hydrated :) Thanks for bein part of the Blog Hop!


  26. LOL I love snacks! Crackers and cheese seems to work best in my house. Thanks for the giveaway!

  27. What a great blog hop. I’m hopping along.

  28. No, No, No...Black Friday, if there is any shopping to be's online for me! Saves toes that way! And snacks/drinks are handy...right in the kitchen! Clean restrooms close by too, no line! :)

  29. Giggling about Barbara's comment about clean bathrooms. I've been in New York around Christmas. Eeee gad! Horrible bathroom lines and ucky!

  30. First of all you wouldn't catch me out on Black Friday! Don't like the crowds and the shoving! Gah! but cheese and crackers on a day like today would be okay! Presliced cheese though!
    delivery.RN at gmail dot com
    thanks for the giveaway!

  31. Bringing food is a great idea for Black Friday. Don't want the kids or hubby to get "hangry!" :)

    Thanks for being part of this giveaway. Happy Holidays to you and yours!

    susanaudrey33 at gmail dot com

  32. I never once thought to bring snacks. That's a great idea. I will do that if I ever get my nerves back up to venture into the crowds.
    mizztuts AT bellsouth DOT net

  33. Great tips. Unfortunately, my only tip is to stay home! lol

  34. I avoid shopping I hate it with a passion. One year my mom gave each of my daughters Walmart gift cards... I paid a friend to take them shopping.

  35. Thanks for the giveaway. Count me in.

    cindyc725 at gmail dot com

  36. what an awesome giveaway! thanks!!

  37. I hate shopping of any kind, especially after having to work in retail a few years back. Whenever I had to go to a store, I'm in & out as fast as humanly possible. Also, I've never really snacked while at the store on anything other than coffee (which I'm addicted to) I'd have to recommend coffee because of its deliciousness and energy boosting power.

    Thanks for the awesome giveaway! Happy Holidays!


  38. This is such a generous giveaway, thank you! I hope you've had a great holiday.

    melorabrock {at} gmail {dot} com

  39. You must have the patience of a saint to go out on Black Friday. You are to be commended or medicated, I'm not sure which. Thanks for the giveaway.


  40. Great tips; I always carry a snack in my purse (usually a granola bar and/or dried fruit) because I have a high metabolism and have been known to faint if I don't eat every few hours.
    geminicalli at yahoo dot com

  41. I used to wait in the long lines for the stores to open and I always had hot cocoa to keep me warm.

    museclues08 AT yahoo DOT com

  42. Awesome giveaway and great tips! I tend to keep those chocolate granola bars, because they have little jolt of caffeine without horrible amounts of calories like a regular candy bar.
    Ashley A

  43. I had never thought about taking snacks. I always just grab something by the counter while I am waiting in line. Apparently I am not a pro at Black Friday shopping
    teressaoliver at gmail dot com

  44. You listed a lot of goodness! I'm coming up blank!

  45. Since I don't shop on Black Friday, I haven't thought of snacks. But all the ones you listed sound great, for myself I'd probably go for the granola bar or the 100 calorie snack packs.

    Barbed1951 at aol dot com

  46. Today I made a day of it, I packed a pb&j (I know random but tasty) smokehouse almonds a 1.5 liter of fiji water and a bottle of lemon-lime gatorade. It get's fierce where I live lol, but all that keeps me energized and hydrated so I'm ready to throw elbows with the best of them. ;)

  47. Never thought about taking snacks. You do have to keep up your energy to fight crowds. Great giveaway. Thanks for the chance.

  48. Great list of snacks. I love small boxes of raisins as snacks. Thanks for the giveaway.

  49. Online shopping is the way for me. No lines, no stress, no traffic. I did Black Friday once, not knowing the whole concept of it and it was an interesting experience. But nowadays, it is getting more violent as the years go by. So, I might consider myself being a coward but I see it more as being safe than sorry.

  50. I haven't done black Friday shopping for the last couple of years. Online is so much easier. I might wait till Cyber Monday.


  51. I wasn't out shopping all day on Friday. Just going to one store who had the most of what was on the kids lists. So I didn't need much to snack on.
    Now, I work a lot on Black Fridays so I do online shopping. This year, however, I'm blog hopping. I have a glass of iced tea nearby. Cuz hopping is thirsty work. :)

    luvfuzzzeeefaces at yahoo dot com

  52. Thank you for the great giveaway goodness! Awesome prizes!

    Hmm, you listed all the snacks I would have thought of, lol.

    Gena Robertson

  53. Ooh! Snacks. And coffee. Both are must haves when enduring the travails of a blog hop. LOL! Yup, this is the sum total of my Black Friday experience. And I'm loving it!

  54. Fish crackers are big snack items in my family, and pretty much go with us everywhere. Add a Starbuck mocha frapp and I am good to go.

    caity_mack at yahoo dot com

  55. How could I ever forget Goldfish crackers? Definitely a staple with kids!

  56. Unfortunately, I'm not real big on healthy snacks and everything else tends to get smashed! We usually just stop and get something while we're out! Thanks!

  57. I would recommend only shopping (if you're brave enough on Black Friday) at places that have an Auntie Anne's pretzel heaven...regular pretzel, hot salsa cheese, large pepsi- good to go!

  58. love hops stayed home and read

  59. what a great giveaway! thanks so much!

  60. Thanks for the chance to win! Happy Black Friday!

    andralynn7 AT gmail .com

  61. i know that when my nephew was little and my sister had to take him shopping with her she would take a sandwich bag with cheerios or fruit loops in it. they are small and he could reach in and get a handful. it also kept him busy for a bit trying to get all of them out of the baggie. :)

    thank you for the chance at such a great giveaway and i hope you had a Happy Thanksgiving.

  62. What cool ideas! Food while shopping can really dig into your budget. I remember as a teen always stopping at Big Boy in the mall-- but I was one person--try muliplying that by 5 and it's crazy! I think another tip is eating a big breakfast at home before leaving for shopping, then getting a snack if need be, but not a full dinner or lunch.

    wayfaringwriter at gmail dot com

  63. lol I'm such a snacker, but I love chips and dip! =D

  64. You are so right.......snacks are a must! I always forget and always end up spending more money on snacks!

  65. I forgot to bring snacks with me this year, but at least I managed to get half the items on my list without getting slapped aha.

  66. This post is dangerous! Now I'm hungry and craving some snacks. At least my excuse is it's dinner time here. ... Right? >.>

  67. i am a sucker for the pretzel stand :)

    Thanks for participating in the giveaway!

    gigi s

  68. This is such an awesome giveaway! I would love to be entered:

  69. This is a fun giveaway.

    Thank you for the generosity.

    lindsaywolford AT sbcglobal DOT net

  70. Thanks for the Hop! This is so much fun! at

  71. I think mini-carrots makes for a tasty and healthy snack. I can't forget a bottle of water since for when I get thirsty.

  72. I haven't really had any crazy Black Friday time some lady stole a comforter right out of my hands and ran away...THAT was weird lol

    Thank you so much for doing this giveaway! A kindle fire would be an excellent christmas present!

    hense1kk AT cmich DOT edu

  73. This is so awesome!!! I have been lusting after one of these for ages and the fact that it's being given away by some of my favorite authors just makes it that much better!!! Good luck to all but I 'd be lying if I said I didn't want to win. lol

  74. very cool! please count me in!

  75. wish i had remembered the water bottle last night . I was dying by the time I made it to the drinks

  76. Taking snack & water are a must. I learned that the hard way.


  77. I don't usually bring snacks but if I did it would have to be something along the lines of sugary to keep me awake. One example would probably be m&m's or some kind of candy bar. I did have water but it was left in the car.
    jessangil at gmail dot com

  78. Water gotta keep hydrated.


  79. Chocolate bar and a giant cup of fancy coffee! jepebATverizonDOTnet

  80. Your a great planner by taking plenty of snacks for you and the kiddo's. My self when I was younger I would of done the same thing. However, now I am happy staying at home and doing my shopping online. I applaud those who venture out to the stores but to me, why fight the hassle when you can get the same deal or better deal on line.

    I usually don't get excited about black friday mainly because I have most of my shopping done for the holidays by the time black friday rolls around.

    Hope you enjoyed your black friday.
    Happy Holidays

    Ronda Tutt

  81. Even though I refuse to shop on Black Friday, I do like your tips. I would also make sure to g with friends who can watch your back and cart so nothing gets taken by other shoppers.

    joderjo402 AT gmail DOT com

  82. Thanks for the great giveaway, perfect for Christmas.

  83. Wow! I wish I could be as healthy as you are but unfortunately, my only quick snacking tip for shopping would be (besides the water of course) to snack on something with chocolate on it- that would definitely save me from a meltdown! Chips, chocolates, sweets, popcorn, brownies and candy-floss. Pure bliss! *sigh* I could work off all the calories while shopping!

    Happy Black Friday! Thanks you so much for all these amazing prizes. You guys are truly awesome! Thank you:) Hope you've had a splendid day!

    sarah DOT setar AT gmail DOT com

  84. I don't go shopping on Black Friday so I don't have any tips! Sorry


  85. Great tips, but I am much happier with online shopping these days.

    skpetal at hotmail dot com

  86. Supporting the BlogHop!

    stacyms_99 AT yahoo DOT com

  87. Those are great suggestions, Louisa, but I am way too chicken to brave the crowds! I've been snacking from my fridge as I read to my kids :) No shopping for me! ;p

    f dot chen at comcast dot net

  88. Sweet! Love the hops! Lots of lovely prizes here シ

    ✫•°˜”*°•.✫REACH FOR THE STARS✫•°˜”*°•.✫
    ............WAIT! MAKE THAT A............
    ✫•°˜”*°•.✫ KINDLE FIRE!✫•˜”*°•.✫

  89. It would be water, granola bars and almonds.


  90. I always have granola bars. Either the Special K or the Natures Valley ones.

    bacchus76 at myself dot com

  91. I always take bottled water & a breakfast bar.

  92. I stay home!!! But chocolate is always tasty!

  93. I carry peanuts and crackers plus juice pouches when going on long shopping trips.Thanks!

  94. I stay home or work on Black Friday - either way, no shopping for me!

  95. I would bring water and trail mix

  96. Keeping my fingers crossed! This would be an awesome Christmas present!

  97. Thanks for the great giveaway!!

    sweepingtheusa at gmail dot com

  98. I like to keep a pack of the freeze dried apple crisps in my purse. I just love them they are simple and sweet.


  99. I keep granola bars and fruit snacks in my purse, snacks can be a lifesaver when shopping.

    Areeths at new dot rr dot com

  100. You know, I often get caught up in what I'm doing, forget to take a snack, then end up buying a bag of Cheetos and devouring them in the car...LOL!

    Thanks for the giveaway!


    supercoupongirl AT

  101. What a fantastic day! Calli was winner of the Kindle Fire. Whoo-hoo! Enjoy, please.

    And ladytwist is the winner of the $10 Ravenous certificate.

    The New Orleans goody bag winner will be pulled on Saturday, since I need to compile a few entries from this week!

  102. This is a pretty sweet give away I am so excited to find out who wins! :)

  103. Snacks are always a good idea :)

  104. Thank you for the chance to win such great prizes!!

  105. I will admit it! Out shopping I need coffee the extra big thermal cup with the spill proof lid - stays hot and steamy for hours - oh yea!


  106. Great tips well I always have bottled water and any sort of candy in my bag I think you pretty much got it :)) the kindle fire looks really hot XD many thanks for the opportunity ^_~

    GFC & Twitter follower: kimyunalesca
