A variety of OCC author “hosts,” including me, are throwing Pajama Parties. That’s right! Change into something comfortable, and join others for some specialized mini-workshops.
Here’s the line-up, and a few brief descriptions:
• Bedtime Storytelling in Pajamas (Not Just for Bedtimes) with Shannon Donnelly
Come and talk about the art of story telling -- it's not just craft and writing that sells a story, it's the story itself. We'll share ideas, problems, and stories, along with wine and chocolate. Free ebook to everyone who attends.
• Brainstorming in Pajamas with Kara Lennox
Think outside the box! A sure cure for the boring story is to get some brainstorming brawn behind it. Bring your skimpy plot, a character, or even the seed of an idea and see how fast the ideas fly when you get the group dynamic into the action. There will be chocolate and surprises!
• High Concept in Pajamas with Kathleen Harrington
We'll be exploring the concept of high-concept, what it means in different genres and venues (books, movies). Then we’ll brainstorm some high-concept ideas for romantic fiction, most especially fantasy and futuristic romances. We’ll have drinks and a few treats, and I’ll have a prize for the most “high-concept idea” in the brainstorming session.
• Passion in Pajamas with Louisa Bacio
Writing exercises include a naughty-toy grab bag, where guests will be invited to blindly choose one item (printed!), and then free write a scene using it. Wine, snackies and a few prizes will be awarded.
• Pitching in Pajamas with Mary-Theresa Hussey
Information on how to secure a “chance” for a spot to pitch to the Harlequin executive editor to come!
• Plotting in Pajamas with Louella Nelson
Story bogged down? New storyline stumping you? Get comfy and bring your notepad for this dynamic workshop that gets your story roughed out in one session. Handouts and munchies too!
• Self-Publishing in Pajamas with Debra Holland
Some goodies will be available and a handout with self-publishing resources.
Have you bought your tickets for the Bash yet? If not, what’s keeping you? Officially, there’s about one week left to make your reservation. The cost of the 30th Birthday Bash, including lunch & dessert, is $40 for all RWA members and $50 for all guests (non RWA members). Pajama Parties are included in that price. The cutoff to reserve discounted rooms is Saturday, September 24. (Unofficially, you may be able to plead with our lovely president to buy a ticket for a few more days after that, but final numbers need to be turned into the hotel).
It’s all happening at the Embassy Suites in Brea
For more information, and to reserve your spot, visit http://www.occrwa.org/30thBdayBash.html
** Pajamas really are not required to attend, but I’ll be wearing mine!
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