Thursday, December 31, 2015

Pervy Girl Reading Challenge

Oh, how I love a challenge, don't you?

I've never signed up for a reading challenge before. Yes, that's right. I read when I read. Sometimes, weeks pass by without a page turned, and other times -- like the past week -- I devour five full-length novels and a few novellas in a short amount of time. (Ah, the pleasures of time off!)

Anyway, when I came across this extra-special challenge from Herding Cats & Burning Soup, I had to play along. Can't wait to expand those erotic reading horizons, and maybe even explore some new territory in my own work.

For more information, check out the sign-up page:

It's going to be fun.

Until next time,

Louisa Bacio

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Wrap-up: 52-Week Savings

Our Meager Savings:
Ignore the ugly glue stains on the bottom!
Well I sucked at the savings plan! We ended the year with about $7 in the kitty! Where did we go wrong?

The idea is to put a $1 in the first week, $2 in the second week and so on, until you reach $52 in the last week. At the end, you’re supposed to end up with $1,378.

From the weekly markings, it looks like we did well for about three months, and then fell off. One issue is we attempted to keep up two plans – one for the Teen and one for me, which means me contributing the funds for both. At this time, my daughter suggested we combine and we did.

The biggest problem? First, it started as making change for larger bills, and then we began to “borrow” for special outings. Soon, we stopped putting in, and the rest is history.

So how did you do? Anyone succeed? Who’s going to try again in 2016? Maybe we should use a container that can’t be opened!

If you’re interested, here’s a cool Pinterest board with various charts:

BTW – In general, I don’t “suck” at saving … maybe just this one!

Until next time,

Louisa Bacio

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

A New Holiday Tradition -- Naughty Elves with @LV_Writer

Sometimes the flashiest present isn’t the best one. A good-loving elf story from Lily Vega is going to be a new tradition. (She better keep writing them). Last year, readers met Maisy and Zed in Naughty, Naughty (Peppermint Twist) and this year, bad-boy Brody gets his tale in Wicked Game (Reindeer Games).

When Santa brings in two new female elves, Brody is instantly drawn to the saucy and seductive, dark-haired beauty Beryl, but he gets paired up with the demure “wildflower” Holly. Despite her more subdued demeanor, Holly possesses dreams of her own:

“In her imagination, she was a fairytale princess surrounded by woodland creatures and seven dwarves who loved her collectively more than a single man ever could.”

Now that’s my kind of story! Alas, Holly dreams of finding her one true special elf, and despite Brody acting like a bit of a jerk to her, she continues to show him kindness in all the best ways possible.

Vega shares a wonderful, heart-warming tale – the best type of read for the holiday season.  

If you haven’t yet, make sure to check out Naughty, Naughty for even more elfin’ fun.  

Louisa Bacio

Available via Amazon and other eRetailers.

Visit Lily Vega online:


Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Adult Swap? 12 Days of Giving

Welcome to my stop on the 12 Days of Giving Hop. Thank you so much to Lia Davis for setting up this extravaganza.

Get your mind out of the gutter! We’re not talking swinging here. Instead, it’s the concept of adults exchanging gifts at the holidays. Some years, family do a “children only” gift exchange, some make gifts, some draw names and others go full out. What’s your take on gift giving?

Of course, the first issue is the budget. What can you afford to spend? Sometimes, there is a gift limit during an exchange. Plus, for me, it’s what can you feasibly do? I’m not much of a creative, gift-making person. I can bake, but shipping food stuffs isn’t the easiest thing. My fellow Black Hills Wolves pack member TL Reeve was making these adorable hot chocolate jars for the holidays. (Leaded or Unleaded, LOL.) Maybe I could handle that!

The next thing to keep in mind is knowing the person you’re buying for. Don’t buy a generic gift but something you think they would like. Easier said than done, right? Often, I employ the tactic of “Would I want this?” and I confess, at times, I even end up buying two!

Having a list or guidelines can be helpful. Notoriously, a few months after the holidays my stepmom returns or gives away presents that were bought for her (I often get them back!). My hubby probably still has clothes I purchased 10 years ago that he’s never worn because although I liked the style, he doesn’t.

For my birthday in October, I put together a wish list on Amazon and gave the link to hubby. He complained that everything on it was $10, and bought nothing. (Fortunately, my aunt gave me a gift card and I used it toward goodies.)

As I’ve gotten older, the surprise in gifts has decreased, which is probably why I’ve signed up for a few Secret Santa exchanges! And I’m super sad to be missing a get-together of friends next week where they’re doing a “naughty” gift exchange.

Tell me: What are your thoughts on gift giving? Too stressful? Are you still like a child? What’s on your wish list for this year? What is your favorite type of gift? 

Giveaway: A gifted copy of “Claiming the She-Wolf” (my first Black Hills Wolves book) via Amazon or ARe, and a Starbucks Hot Chocolate Kit (U.S. mailing)! Please leave a valid email address and comment.

Winter Solstice Ménage

Sugar isn’t as sweet as her big brother, Yas, believes. After he leaves the big city to venture a small pack in the hills he’s heard about from their mom, she decides to let loose in all the best ways. Except when all hell breaks loose and she’s faced with some tough decisions, she runs … to her family. 

After growing up in Los Lobos, twins Derek and Tyler Baker lived through all the hardships under the former Alpha leader. While one twin is happy playing the dating field, the other wants something more special. They both find what they’re looking for when newcomer Sugar comes for a visit.

Where Sugar goes, trouble follows. It’ll take more than one member of this pack to tame the new shifter she-wolf. But will the Winter Solstice Ménage be enough to convince her to settle down? 

Available via Amazon, ARe, iBooks, Kobo.

Remember to enter the Rafflecopter for the major prizes!

Grand Prizes

1 Kindle Fire 7"
1 $50 Amazon Gift Card
5 $5 Amazon Gift Card

Make sure to visit the other stops on the hop:

post date
Blog URL
Lia Davis
Kerry Adrienne
Amy Gregory
Merryn Dexter
Lauren Smith
Jessie Lane
Emmy Curtis
Virginia Cavanaugh
Louisa Bacio
Sheri Lyn
TL Reeve
Alyssa Richards